Through our Community Giving program, Idaho Environmental Coalition sets aside a portion of our profits for Health and Wellness, Education, Arts & Culture, Economic Development, and Workforce Training. When considering request for funding, we give preference to programs that:
We work with stakeholders and the U.S. Department of Energy to sustain the area’s vitality through changing missions.
When our communities thrive we all stand to benefit. IEC’s Community Giving program provides resources to help build healthy communities, where education is accessible and other basic needs can be met. We are proud to continue this tradition at the Idaho Cleanup Project through our community sponsorships, FullSTEAM Ahead program and numerous volunteer efforts.
IEC established the weSTEAM program to engage the community and create positive awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and the importance of Arts within these fields.
IEC supports STEAM education in local schools. IEC STEAM Grants are awarded annually to teachers for STEAM projects happening in their classrooms.
The Idaho Environmental Coalition recognizes its role as a contributing partner in the community it serves. This policy outlines guidelines and procedures to help facilitate IEC’s response to the many requests for charitable donations, event sponsorships, and in-kind requests received annually from the surrounding communities. This policy establishes processes and controls to ensure donations are carried out with fairness and due diligence and are reflective of IEC’s values and mission.
Requests for sponsorships, donations or assistance must be submitted in writing using the Community Sponsorship/Donation Request Form found below,
Charitable donations represent support given to a group or organization without the anticipation of reciprocal benefit to IEC. As an active partner in the community, IEC recognizes there are unmet needs that we, as an employer, can assist in supporting through financial donations
IEC reserves the right to deny any request, at its sole discretion. Funding in prior years does not guarantee continued funding in any subsequent year.
Sponsorships represent requests for funding of cash or in-kind products and services that are offered by IEC with the expectation of the receipt of a benefit or value. Sponsorship includes any activity in which IEC pays a fee, makes a cash donation, or provides goods and services to an organization in return for being identified in promotional and marketing collateral or participating in that organization’s activity.
IEC’s priority in providing sponsorships is to nonprofit groups and/or other business that share our community and our objectives.
Formal requests for donations and sponsorships should be made by completing the Community Sponsorship/Donation Request Form below. Please submit the form at least four weeks before your event.
The Community Sponsorship/Donation Request form must be completed to be considered for a sponsorship, donation, or paid advertisement by IEC.
As the contractor for the Idaho Cleanup Project, IEC is committed to involving stakeholders as it advances cleanup under the Superfund Program, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, National Environmental Policy Act, and other federal and state regulations.
We make the most of many public communication channels to keep you, our stakeholder, apprised of cleanup progress. Additional information about the ICP is available through specific cleanup project public meetings and community involvement events.
*Hazardous Waste Management Act/Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (HWMA/RCRA)